Fixed an issue where the suffixes {price_excluding_tax} and {price_including_tax} were not being correctly replaced in addon prices.
Fixed compatibility with Dynamic Pricing and Discounts.
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce Subscriptions when addon are set as required signup fees.
The slider can will now auto hide slides that its elements are hidden.
Fixed several issues with conditional logic when using product elements in which the products share the same global form.
Fixed aa issue where the tax suffixes were mistakenly being showed on the option prices instead of only on the final total.
Fixed an issue with conditional logic not working correctly when product elements shared the same global form.
Fixed a price display issue when using repeaters with math formula.
Fixed compatibility with Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce Pro.
Shortcodes now work in conditional logic values.
Fixed an issue that was preventing correct calculations from data gathered by product attributes.
Fixed an issue on how weight is calculated on the checkout.
Backend UI fixes.
Fixed an issue that prevented conditional logic from functioning when an empty template element was used.
Fixed an issue where associated products out of stock displayed as having a price.
Conditional logic can now be set based on quantity, product id or variation id.
20.11.2024 version 6.5.1
Fixed an issue with lazy loading on variable products.
Fixed an issue with upload elements when using repeaters.
27.10.2024 version 6.5
Fixed an issue where a section was incorrectly hidden even when containing non post elements.
Fixed an issue with the fee display on the final total.
Fixed a calculation issue on WooCommerce bookings when using percentage price types.
Fixed an issue when calculating lengths for UTF-8 characters.
Fixed select box option groups separators.
Fixed string operations to support UTF-8.
22.06.2024 version 6.4.6
The calculation mode of the dynamic element can now display the result as a price.
Added support for constants to return strings instead of only a number.
Fixed an issue with the variation swatches not displaying the custom height properly.
Fixed an issue where repeater elements connecting to conditional logic were creating a fatal error.
Fixed an issue where elements were losing their selected visual appearance when the connecting elements in their Math formula were changing values.
Fixed an issue with the multiple upload when used on ajax add to cart solutions.
Fixed an issue where moving slider tabs were removing conditional logic.
Dynamic Calculation elements now correctly don’t get displayed in the backend order.
05.04.2024 version 6.4.5
Fixed an issue where using special characters in backend labels.
Fixed an issue where the logic was breaking in the backend when deleting section tabs or adding elements in section tabs.
Fixed an issue where the product was able to be added to the cart without filling required options.
Fixed the display of the calculations for the dynamic element.
11.03.2024 version 6.4.4
Fixed the weight functionality in dynamic element.
Added weight support on supported addons.
09.03.2024 version 6.4.3
Fixed a display issue when using the select box in full width.
Fixed an issue with the section color overrides.
Fixed an issue with the calculation of minimum price.
Fixed an issue with the pow Math function that was causing error in some cases.
Fixed an issue with the section tab display that was not rendering properly.
Fixed an issue with WPML where the control panel string settings texts were not being translated.
Fixed an issue where double image was displayed in the cart for image replacements.
Fixed several rendering issues when using the connected radio buttons feature.
Fixed an issue with the Hide add-to-cart button feature.
Fixed an issue there the Include Fees on unit price setting was not working.
Fixed the product image change not working correctly with conditional logic.
Added override settings for show options total and show final total settings.
Added step setting for text fields when used for number input.
Added a setting for the product element to show or hide the associated product link.
The ‘Order Again’ functionality now correctly respects the override price setting.
31.12.2023 version 6.4.2
Fixed a styling issue with the section box template.
Fixed FOX currency switcher compatibility.
Fixed a CSS issue where auto image size swatches were colliding on mobile.
Introduced four new Math variables {options_total}, {product_price_plus_options_total}, {cumulative_total} and {product_price_plus_cumulative_total}.
Fixed an issue that was causing error with some Lightspeed configurations.
Fixed an issue with multiple upload elements that were giving an error upon posting to the cart.
Added basic checks in the backend to visually see if the formula is correct or not.
Fixed PHP 8.1x compatibility.
Fixed an issue with the Math formula that was creating an error when referencing the element that was using it.
Fixed compatibility with WPML.
Fixed the display of several elements in the cart, checkout and order.
Added the multiple file upload element.
22.12.2023 version 6.4.1
Fixed an issue with order recalculation when using WMPL multi-currency.
Fixed an issue where the options were not being added to the cart with ajax on the shop page.
Fixed an issue where tooltips were not working correctly.
Fixed an issue where the scripts were not being loaded correctly.
Fixed a fatal error issue caused by certain custom shipping plugins.
Fixed an issue where the disabled shipping methods were still visible.
Fixed an issue where the minus symbol was not being shown in prices.
Fixed an issue where the conditional logic for sections were not auto updated to the new system.
Fixed an issue where the totals box setting was not functioning correctly when subscriptions were enabled.
Fixed an issue where non fixed priced fees were not acting as fees on the product page.
Fixed an issue when using connected radio buttons that have the same choice names.
Added a setting to override the label mode directly on the element for more flexibility.
Added settings to control the border of swatch elements.
05.12.2023 version 6.4
You can now change an element type in the builder.
Added the option to display the quantity in a floating box when it exceeds one.
Introduced support for JetEngine data shortcodes.
Ensured compatibility with WooCommerce 8.x.
Implemented the ability to customize shipping methods based on selected options.
Resolved compatibility issues with Dynamic Pricing and Discounts.
Resolved compatibility with Fancy Product Designer.
Fixed a calculation issue involving the “^” operator in mathematical formulas.
Addressed a problem with global forms and WPML when directly assigned to a product.
Rectified an issue when ACF shortcodes were used in AJAX queries.
Enhanced conditional logic, now supporting multiple groups.
The “Price display override” setting now influences generated product structured data when “Alter generated product structured data” is enabled.
Lookup table axes can now include strings.
Implemented automatic deletion of uploaded files when a product is removed from the cart.
Streamlined and optimized the codebase for improved performance and easier maintenance.
Added PHP 8.2 compatibility.
15.04.2023 version 6.3.2
Fixed a PHP error on associated products.
Fixed an issue with the plugin auto update.
14.04.2023 version 6.3.1
Fixed a PHP warning about excluding the addons from the associated product discount.
Fixed an issue where the full width label was not working on variation elements.
Fixed a CSS display bug on radio button labels.
10.04.2023 version 6.3
Fixed an issue when using repeaters on upload elements.
Fixed an issue on the product element where loaded items were hidden.
Fixed a price display issue when using variable products in the product element.
Fixed the disabled addons setting on the product element when using checkboxes layout mode.
Fixed an issue with conditional logic not working when using product elements that have variable products with conditional logic.
Fixed an issue where the vat options total was not being displayed correctly.
Fixed an issue where the Math formula was return incorrect results when using {this.count}.
Added the concat function in Math formula to join strings.
Added setting to exclude the addons from the associated product discount.
Added export csv feature for lookup tables.
Added setting to trim zeros in prices.
Fixed tax display on associated products.
26.12.2022 version 6.2
Fixed compatibility with Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Fixed a conflict with WPML compatibility where the translation priority was showing all global forms on a product.
Fixed an issue with the Math formula when not using dot as a decimal separator.
Fixed an issue with the Math formula with functions when the WooCommerce decimal separator is a comma.
Fixed an issue with the Math formula when comparing something with a string.
Fixed an issue where on some servers incorrect data returned by the server were breaking the conditional logic on the backend.
Fixed an issue where the minimum limit on product elements was not working correctly.
Fixed an issue when importing lookup tables where some servers returned a 500 error.
Fixed an issue where the system style for the time element was not being shown.
Fixed an issue where the exported currency prices were not imported correctly.
Fixed an issue with the date element element that was not accepting certain dates when using the Exclude disabled setting.
Fixed an issue where when using shortcodes in formulas they did not work.
Fixed several issues with the product element display.
Fixed several issues with the product not displaying correct taxed prices.
Fixed the required setting to work correctly on product elements.
You can now hide associated products from the cart, checkout and order with emails.
You can now add a separator to radio buttons and checkboxes.
You can now set a section to have a tabbed interface.
The plugin interface on the product page can now be visible per user role.
The repeater now works with WooCommerce Bookings persons as the quantity.
Added setting to hide the add to cart button until all required elements are chosen.
Added setting to control the use of cdn of WP Rocket and Jetpack.
Added notification when an element was removed from the cart after it was changed by an administrator.
Added price override display for shop, archive and product loop pages.
Added setting to disable the addons for the product element.
Added compatibility flag with WooCommerce HPOS.
16.09.2022 version 6.1.2
Fixed an issue where some section settings were not translatable with WPML.
Fixed an issue where the conditional logic was not working on certain elements.
Fixed an issue with the styled variations not registering unavailable values when using select boxes.
Fixed an issue where disabled element were conflicting with conditional logic of other fields.
Fixed an issue where associated products could not be added from a quick view.
13.09.2022 version 6.1.1
Fixed an issue in the Math formula when using comparison operators.
Fixed several edge cases in the Math formula.
Fixed an issue where the responsive class was not being printed in the cart.
Fixed an issue when duplicating global forms.
You can now connect different radio button elements in order to select a single choice.
07.09.2022 version 6.1
Added support to show global forms based on custom taxonomies.
Added text swatches to variations.
Added setting to hide add to cart button until all visible elements are chosen.
Added lookup table functionality to Math formula and price types for several elements.
You can now use the text of an element to compare values in Math formula.
You can now remove the selected file from upload elements.
You can now use short-codes on the price like ACF short-codes.
Fixed an issue with the order again functionality when using formulas.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions.
Fixed an issue where templates were shown when disabled or in trash.
Fixed several Math formula edge cases when used inside a product element.
Removed JavaScript polyfill: A ES6+ compatible browser is now required.
10.07.2022 version 6.0.5
Fixed an issue where product elements hidden with conditional logic has their options disabled.
Fixed a JS error on backend pages when using legacy editor.
Fixed compatibility with Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Fixed an issue where product elements without individual pricing where displaying Math formula prices.
20.06.2022 version 6.0.4
Fixed an issue where empty template elements were causing a server error.
Fixed an issue where required product elements with checkboxes were not validated.
Added setting to globally enable or disable sale prices for options.
Added new functions (min, max, if) to the Math formula and new operators (>, <, >=, <=, &&, ||).
13.05.2022 version 6.0.3
Fixed an issue with the translations of the date picker.
Fixed an issue where the product element quantity was not registered on variable products.
Fixed an issue with the alignment of the image swatches.
Fixed an issue where the override setting for the final totals box did not work.
Fixed an issue with the from price display when using taxes and sale prices.
Fixed compatibility with Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Fixed an issue where the product element with dropdown mode were not resetting the price when not selected.
16.04.2022 version 6.0.2
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Bookings.
Fixed a PHP error issue regarding the vat options total.
15.04.2022 version 6.0.1
Fixed an issue where product elements were not being initialized correctly.
Fixed compatibility with Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Fixed an issue with image replacement not being visible in the cart.
Fixed an issue with adding images in template elements.
Fixed an issue with the range picker not saving its value on the cart.
Fixed an issue with the validator being activated when not set in settings.
Fixed an issue with the styled variation items per row display.
03.04.2022 version 6.0
Fixed an issue with the product element when using the minimum quantity on variable products.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Currency Switcher.
Fixed compatibility with WPML.
Fixed an issue with the API of retrieving options from the order.
Fixed an issue with the pricing on the product element when using discounts.
Fixed an issue with the tooltip display.
Fixed an issue where product elements used in a quick view were resetting the final totals box.
Fixed compatibility with Composite Products.
Added setting to control how the plugin retrieves image sizes for image replacements which could improve site performance.
You can now customize the section label and subtitle background color for section boxed styles.
Validation for text fields and text areas is now as you type.
The normal mode is now deprecated.
The plugin now recognizes the tax Price display suffix along with its dynamic variables.
Elements can now be repeatable manually or based on product quantity.
You can now assign global forms to product tags.
You can now create template elements.
Added constants for the Math formula.
Added responsive setting for the option display.
Added multiple select field.
Added Support for PHP 8.
Added WooCommerce 6x compatibility.
20.06.2021 version 5.1
Fixed an issue where when adding associated products the product was being removed from the cart.
Added multiple selection on product elements.
Fixed compatibility with Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Currency Switcher.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Bookings.
Fixed an issue with the Math formula not calculating functions on the frontend.
Fixed an issue where the import csv functionality could not preserve product ids on the product element.
11.03.2021 version
Fixed compatibility with Composite Products.
Fixed some PHP warnings related to number conversion.
Fixed a price display issue with the sync associated product quantity setting.
Fixed an issue where the Prevent zero priced products setting was not working.
Fixed a calculation issue with the with “Percent of the original price + options” price type.
Fixed an issue where the color replacements for checkboxes were not working correctly.
Fixed a tax calculation issue when using variable products.
Fixed an issue where checkboxes on non WooCommerce pages were not being posted on the server.
Fixed several issues with the tax display and calculation.
Added reset functionality to the default plugin settings.
Added compatibility with WordPress 5.7x
07.01.2021 version
Fixed compatibility with woothemes Measurement Price Calculator.
Fixed compatibility with Composite Products.
Added setting to control the preloading of the lightbox image.
Fixed an issue with associated products with using non fixed option prices.
Fixed compatibility with woothemes WooCommerce Subscriptions.
Removed the double title from section pop-up.
Added setting to control the section pop button.
Fixed compatibility with Currency Switcher (realmag777).
Added setting to sync or not associated product quantities.
Fixed an issue where conditionally hidden elements did not contribute to the total price when enabled.
You can now set the date picker default value as number of days from today.
Fixed several errors with the ATUM Inventory Management plugin.
Fixed an issue with the Math formula when using elements with html in labels.
Fixed an issue with the weight calculation of associated products.
The final totals box now shows regular and sale prices.
10.10.2020 version
Fixed compatibility with Composite Products.
Fixed an issue with the upload element in Facebook and Instagram browsers.
21.09.2020 version
Fixed compatibility with Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Added setting to show or hide the upload success message.
Fixed an issue where conditional logic was being rest when moving slider tabs in a section.
Fixed compatibility with using Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce Account Funds.
Fixed an issue with the variations items per row setting.
18.08.2020 version
Fixed a price display issue when using Dynamic Pricing & Discounts with Math formula.
Fixed an issue when editing the cart with a required associated product.
Fixed an issue where the tax string was being double printed for simple products on sale.
Fixed an issue with ajax add cart on homepages.
Fixed a conflict with the ATUM dashboard display.
Fixed an issue where new tab for the wizard section interface could not be moved to another location.
Fixed compatibility with woothemes Measurement Price Calculator.
13.08.2020 version
Fixed a price display issue when using Dynamic Pricing & Discounts with ajax cart solutions.
Fixed a PHP error when adding products to the cart without options.
Fixed an issue when required associated products have options.
Fixed a JS error on tool-tips when editing options.
11.08.2020 version
Added setting to control the tool-tip width.
Fixed an issue where some option were missing settings.
11.08.2020 version
Fixed a PHP error for version lower then 7.3
WordPress 5.5x support
11.08.2020 version
Fixed a calculation when using taxes and product elements.
Fixed compatibility with woothemes Measurement Price Calculator.
Fixed an issue where the label position setting was not visible.
Fixed an issue with the product element when used in conditional logic.
Fixed compatibility with WPML.
Fixed compatibility with Composite Products.
Fixed several pricing issue with associated products.
Enabled supported ajax add to cart solutions to upload files.
Added settings to hide associated product display elements.
Time picker can now use system style.
11.07.2020 version
Fixed a display issue when using taxes and showing prices inside select box choices.
Added setting to allow relative URLs for image replacements.
Fixed several errors with the ATUM Inventory Management plugin.
Added sorting settings for the product element.
Fixed an issue with the Maintain weight setting on the product element.
Fixed compatibility with Composite Products.
Fixed an RTL issue with the section slider.
19.06.2020 version
Fixed an issue where recalculating order totals was causing the option to be shown two times in the backend order.
Fixed a WPML display issue in the cart when using the translated values setting.
Added support for Avada Quick View.
Fixed a calculation issue when the Math formula is based on the product quantity.
03.06.2020 version
Fixed a price display issue when using the Math formula.
02.06.2020 version 5.0.12
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Fixed compatibility with woothemes WooCommerce Subscriptions.
Fixed compatibility with Composite Products.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Fixed an issue where the default value on radio button was not the marked one.
Fixed several issue with conditional logic.
Fixed several display issue with the product element.
Added compatibility with Food Online Premium for WooCommerce.
17.05.2020 version 5.0.11
Fixed an issue with the the conditional logic of required elements.
Fixed some issues with woothemes WooCommerce Subscriptions.
Fixed an issue where the advanced cart display was returning an error when the product had no options.
Fixed an issue where associated product discounts were not visible in the product page.
Fixed an issue where quantity based formula prices were not being calculated correctly in the cart.
Fixed an issue where conditional logic based on section was not working correctly.
Improved performance for the Math formula calculation.
Improved performance for large number of options.
01.05.2020 version 5.0.10
Fixed an issue where the upload element was causing an issue with the inline validation.
Fixed an issue where the deleting a section slider tab was removing the options.
Fixed compatibility with Composite Products.
Fixed compatibility with Fancy Product Designer.
Fixed an issue where deleting tab sections from cloned sections was deleting the options.
Fixed an issue where styled variations were not being saved correctly after editing other elements.
The thumbnail layout for the product element can now have its rows configured.
19.04.2020 version 5.0.9
Fixed an issue with WPML where translated products could not be added to the cart.
Fixed an issue where the date picker drop-downs could not be selected.
Fixed an issue where the hide price setting was not working on the product element selector.
Fixed a calculation bug when use Math price type in select boxes.
Fixed an issue where the inline validation was not working correctly for hidden product elements.
Fixed Math formula not being able to be imported to new products.
05.04.2020 version 5.0.8
Fixed an issue where variable products in associated products were causing a JavaScript error.
Fixed an issue where the price associated products were not calculated in the main product on the front-end.
Fixed an issue with the calculation of the Math formula.
Fixed several issues with WPML Multilingual price per currency.
Fixed an issue with the products element were the associated product options were not working on section pop-ups.
Fixed an issue where conditional logic rules were not correctly applied based on variations.
Fixed a CSS display when using styled variation in a pop-up.
Fixed an issue where the styled variations were not completely reset after clicking the reset variations button.
Added a new price type called fixed amount + options.
Added another mode for the product element to show only a single product.
Added discount setting to the product element.
26.03.2020 version 5.0.7
Fixed an issue where the select product in the product element was being saved.
Fixed an issue where product validation was failing when using quantity restrictions.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
24.03.2020 version 5.0.6
Fixed several CSS issues in the backend builder.
Added clear support for radio and thumbnail modes in product element.
Fixed an issue where checkboxes were always marked as checked in the builder.
Fixed compatibility with Composite Products.
Fixed an issue where editing product in the cart was removing the product from the cart.
Fixed compatibility with WPML.
Fixed an issue where wrong prices were being calculated when using price types based on quantity.
Fixed an issue where the quantity selector were not working correctly.
19.03.2020 version 5.0.5
Fixed an issue where conditional logic was not being saved correctly.
Fixed a PHP warning upon making orders.
Fixed an issue where the checkout was not working.
18.03.2020 version 5.0.4
Fixed a display issue with the Math formula on the backend.
Fixed a PHP warning when using select boxes.
Fixed an issue on the backend when switching a section from slider to normal.
Fixed an issue where columns on slider were not working.
Fixed an issue where choice images in backend were too large
Fixed an issue where an incorrect image was being shown in the order when disabling element choices.
Fixed an issue with the options not being view-able in Germanized pro invoices.
17.03.2020 version 5.0.3
Fixed several CSS display issues.
Fixed a display issue on variations when using taxes.
Fixed an issue where a minified js file was missing.
Fixed an issue where the validation for radio buttons wasn’t working.
Fixed an issue where the options weren’t being displayed on the order for pdf plugins.
Fixed an issue where the conditional logic rules were not being saved.
Fixed an issue where section tooltip descriptions were not working.
17.03.2020 version 5.0.2
Fixed PHP warnings when using WPML
Fixed a CSS display issue in the order page.
Fixed an issue in the content editor where images where not getting correct the URL.
16.03.2020 version 5.0.1
Fixed a display issue on the builder.
Fixed a PHP warning upon adding the product to cart for radio buttons.
Fixed an issue with double options being displayed on the backend order.
Fixed an issue where the setting Prevent options from being sent to emails was not working.
Fixed an issue with some icons not being displayed.
Fixed an issue with paypal reporting empty cart.
16.03.2020 version 5.0
Added PHP 7.4 compatibility.
Improved backend performance almost by 100% for large number of options.
Increased the number of available builder columns.
Added Math formula capability for price types.
Added a new product element which can be used to select a product to be added to cart along with the main product.
Fixed compatibility with Composite Products.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Fixed compatibility with Measurement Price Calculator.
Fixed compatibility with woothemes WooCommerce Subscriptions.
13.01.2020 version
Fixed compatibility with Currency Switcher.
09.01.2020 version 4.9.12
Fixed a PHP warning when using the section slider wizard.
Fixed an issue where translated products with WPML did not inherit the product override settings.
Fixed an issue where option quantities were not showing in the cart when the option prices were set to be hidden.
Fixed a display issue when displaying option choices.
Fixed several PHP notice errors.
Fixed an issue with the date-picker selectable dates.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Fixed compatibility with woothemes WooCommerce Subscriptions.
Fixed compatibility with Measurement Price Calculator.
20.11.2019 version 4.9.11
Fixed an issue when adding coupons from the backend Order
Fixed a JavaScript conflict on the ajax success event.
Fixed several PHP warnings.
Fixed compatibility with Measurement Price Calculator.
Added setting to disable months in the date element.
13.11.2019 version 4.9.10
Fixed a pricing issue with Composite Products.
Fixed an issue where Subscriptions could not be added to the cart.
Fixed a pricing issue on archive page when the product is not using options.
Fixed a pricing issue display when using taxes.
Fixed a WPML display issue in the global forms list view.
Fixed an issue when editing product in the cart with the override price setting active.
Fixed an issue when using with Unicode entered strings on safari based browsers.
Added responsive values for the styled variations items per row setting.
It is possible now to use the booking product settings for multiplying cost by person count or block count.
12.10.2019 version 4.9.9
Fixed a pricing issue with Composite Products.
Fixed a issue when using negative priced elements.
09.10.2019 version 4.9.8
Fixed an issue where the upload popup shows even when the element is hidden.
Fixed an error in the backend Order when the product was deleted.
Fixed an issue with the Order again functionality with using price override.
Fixed several currency switcher display issues.
Removed or disabled Options won’t show up in the cart any more.
19.08.2019 version 4.9.7
Fixed double option display for Woothemes Subscriptions on renewals.
Fixed a display issue with the final total when using fees.
Options with price type set to fee are now displayed on the floating totals box.
Added setting to show inline image preview for upload element.
Variations can now be used in the exclude meta box for global options.
Added support for WP-Food quick view.
Fixed an issue with the today button on the date-picker element.
Fixed compatibility with Woothemes Bookings.
16.07.2019 version 4.9.6
Fixed compatibility with the Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin.
Fixed an issue where ajax based variation were stuck.
Fixed a display issue RTL languages in the builder.
09.07.2019 version 4.9.5
Added support for WooCommerce Quick View Pro.
Fixed an issue where uploaded images were not visible on the cart.
Fixed an issue where the options were being displayed on grouped products.
Fixed compatibility with composite products.
23.06.2019 version 4.9.4
Fixed the color picker element validation and buttons
Fixed several issue with WPML and global forms
Fixed a PHP error originating from getting attachment IDs.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Composite Products.
26.05.2019 version 4.9.3
Fixed an issue with the range pickers not setting the posted value.
Fixed an issue with validating checkboxes.
Fixed an issue where prices inside select boxes were not being shown on page load.
Fixed an issue where styled variations wasn’t being displayed.
08.05.2019 version 4.9.2
Fixed an issue where the edit options link was not visible on the checkout page.
Fixed an issue where checkbox fees could not pass validation.
Fixed an issue with the datepicker using fixed positioning.
Fixed an issue with the checkbox images swatches not displaying the label.
Fixed an issue where images were not being transferred to the order emails.
Fixed an issue where the maximum value for the quantity selector was not working.
Slightly changed the appearance of range pickers.
29.04.2019 version 4.9.1
Fixed compatibility with the Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin.
Fixed an issue on the quick view displays.
Fixed the display for the range picker.
Fixed color swatches display on mobiles.
Fixed an issue where fees set as required could not pass validation.
23.04.2019 version 4.9
Refactored the plugin code towards security.
Fixed several JS bugs.
20.04.2019 version 4.8.5
Fixed an issue with Measurement Calculator not altering total price.
Fixed an issue with the light-box not showing up.
Fixed an issue when importing option and elements were not draggable.
Fixed an issue when using variation on conditional logic.
Fixed compatibility with Easy Bookings.
Remove the Load generated styles inline setting.
Cloning a global form will also clone its WPML translations.
Refactored the plugin code towards security.
Fixed several JS bugs.
04.04.2019 version 4.8.4
Fixed an issue with conditional logic.
Fixed an issue with options not showing when the product price is empty even when the setting “Include option pricing in product price” was set.
Added support for quick-view and quick-shop for Woodmart theme.
Added setting to control the visibility of prices in the Order while the discount plugin is active.
01.04.2019 version 4.8.3
Fixed an issue with the today button in the date-picker.
Fixed an issue with the date-picker not populating default year on field mode.
Fixed an issue with the date-picker not using the correct date format.
Fixed an issue with the range picker showing incorrect decimal values.
Fixed an issue with variable product where showing incorrect price.
Fixed an issue with the tool-tips on styled variations.
Added two new string replacements.
30.03.2019 version 4.8.2
Fixed an issue with the border on the variation swatches.
Fixed an issue where elements couldn’t be validated when using Subscriptions.
Fixed an issue with subtitle tooltips.
30.03.2019 version 4.8.1
Fixed an issue with html escaping on descriptions.
Added setting to hide choice label when using the swatch mode for radio buttons and checkboxes.
Added setting to alter generated product structured data.
29.03.2019 version 4.8
Fixed not showing the styled variations for new products.
Fixed an issue with product image replacement when multiple elements had it active.
Fixed an issue with conditional logic and required fields.
Fixed several JS and CSS issues when using composite products.
Fixed several display issues from addon plugins.
Importing a CSV file now properly imports default values in check-boxes.
The builder now works on Gutenberg enabled product post.
Refactored many functions, classes, templates and prefixes.
Added setting to split items with multiple values to unique lines for the Order and emails.
20.12.2018 version 4.7.1
Fixed an issue where the heading element wasn’t visible.
Fixed an issue with price rounding.
Fixed an issue where a product couldn’t be loaded when using the variation in global forms.
19.12.2018 version 4.7
Changed the registration process to use the Envato API Personal Token instead of the API key that has been deprecated. Users will have to update the plugin license settings in order to receive updates.
Added price per word price type.
Added remove image button for the swatches.
Added exclude products functionality for global forms.
Fixed several price display issues.
Fixed the hide value and label functionality for fees.
Fixed the disabled roles to work correctly on global forms.
Fixed several error warnings for old WooCommerce versions.
You can now attach variations at the global form.
24.09.2018 version
Fixed an issue where prices were set as zero when using conditional logic.
Fixed an issue with conditional logic when displaying options on custom pages.
Fixed an issue where quantity fee wasn’t working correctly.
Added shortcode to show the options from the current product id.
14.07.2018 version
Fixed compatibility with Woothemes Bookings.
Fixed compatibility with Woothemes Subscriptions on the backend Order when using subscription fees.
Fixed an issue with the styled variations.
Fixed a price display issue when using negative prices.
Fixed a display issue with Dynamic Pricing and Discounts.
Fixed an issue with conditional logic when using multiple rules.
Fixed an issue where decimals were omitted from prices.
Fixed a bug is Webkit browsers where the upload element was always selected.
Fixed an issue with WPML multi currency.
Added a setting to disable options cache for older configurations.
Added optional setting to display plus/minus signs on the options.
02.06.2018 version
Fixed a PHP error in a display template
Added consent checkbox for plugin activation/deactivation
Corrected language translations
Fixed an JS bug in the admin builder interface.
01.06.2018 version 4.6.9
Fixed an issue where hidden elements prices were not being calculated until the element was selected.
Fixed an error when using conditional logic and the slider wizard for sections.
28.05.2018 version 4.6.8
Fixed compatibility with WPML
Fixed an issue with the prices not being calculated at the page load.
Fixed a currency displayed issue.
Fixed an issue where the options container was hidden for various themes.
Added a setting for Woothemes Measurement Calculator to set if you want to multiply the option prices by the calculated area.
25.05.2018 version 4.6.7
Fixed several issues when using disabled elements for the logic and slider.
Fixed a price display issue for select boxes.
Fixed several price display issues on the back-end.
Fixed an issue where coupons could not be removed from the back-end order.
Fixed compatibility with the Measurement Price Calculator plugin.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Currency Switcher.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions.
Fixed compatibility with Aelia Currency Switcher.
Fixed compatibility with Woothemes Bookings.
Fixed compatibility with Bookings and Appointments for WooCommerce.
Fixed several calculation issues with Dynamic Pricing and Discounts.
Fixed several JavaScript issues.
Fixed an issue when deleting options from the Order.
Fixed minimum price display when using the override price feature.
Performance increase for shop/archive pages.
Added compatibility with PHP 7.2
Added support for the products shortcode.
Added WooCommerce 3.4 support
Importing a CSV file now properly imports default values in radio buttons, check-boxes and select boxes.
03.02.2018 version
Fixed an error when using the edit product function in the cart.
Fixed an issue where the product was not updating correctly in the cart.
31.01.2018 version 4.6.6
Fixed validation in Composite Products.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Currency Switcher.
Fixed an issue with the Measurement Price Calculator not updating the price correctly.
Fixed a calculation issue with Dynamic Pricing and Discounts.
Fixed a calculation issue when using normal options.
Fixed an issue on Order currency when using WPML.
Fixed an issue where the prices in the backend Order weren’t updating correctly.
Added Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3
11.12.2017 version 4.6.5
Fixed compatibility with WPML
Fixed an issue with saving the meta data in the order
Fixed a price display issue when using taxes
Fixed an issue with the display position of the validation error in check-boxes
Added method to get all options from an order id in the API
Renamed owl carousel object in the front-end to avoid conflicts
11.11.2017 version 4.6.4
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Currency Switcher.
Fixed compatibility with the Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin.
Fixed several issues with altering fees tax class.
Fixed an issue where adding fees with same name was not adding the prices.
Fixed a template issue with the text-area field.
Fixed several fatal errors after WooCommerce 3.2x update.
Added setting to show uploaded image in cart and checkout
Added setting to show tool-tips for radio button and check-boxes inline.
11.10.2017 version 4.6.3
Fixed an issue where a parse error was being thrown for older PHP versions in the select field template.
Fixed an issue with the variation swatches not being clickable.
Fixed an issue with default option values when editing the product.
Fixed compatibility with the Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin.
Fixed an issue with tax calculation.
21.09.2017 version 4.6.2
Fixed an error display on the thank you page for variable products.
Fixed the from price display when using override price.
Fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to edit prices in the Order.
Fixed an issue with ajax add to cart solutions.
Fixed an issue with the radio button quantity selector where always the last one was being posted.
17.08.2017 version 4.6.1
Fixed an issue with the radio button and checkboxes templates.
Fixed an issue when creating renewals on woothemes Subscriptions.
Fixed compatibility with the Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin.
Fixed an issue where on some situation an error was happening at checkout.
08.08.2017 version 4.6
Fixed Fees display in totals box
Fixed an issue with template override inclusion.
Fixed various CSS and JS incompatibilities and issues.
16.07.2017 version 4.5.4
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Fixed compatibility with q-translate-X plugin.
Fixed compatibility with Currency Switcher.
Fixed compatibility with woothemes Measurement Calculator.
Fixed compatibility with woothemes subscriptions.
Fixed an issue with woothemes bookings when using percentage price types.
Fixed an issue with the meta data display on some configurations.
Fixed an issue where translated WooCommerce strings didn’t use the current translation.
Fixed an issue where the custom code didn’t save special characters.
Fixed validation for text-fields and text-areas.
Added setting to enable or disable options in the builder.
Added support for fee price type to the upload element.
Added unit price and fee to the final total display.
Added settings to control the initial fading animation on he options.
Added extra security check for settings Ajax calls to enhance security.
12.06.2017 version 4.5.3
Fixed a display price issue when price include tax.
Fixed an issue with swatches not being clickable in IE.
Fixed various issues having to do with the color swatch.
Fixed compatibility with woothemes Measurement Price Calculator.
Fixed a price display issue with WPML.
Fixed a date issue when rtl is used.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Composite Products 3.9x
Fixed an issue with text-area price type.
Fixed swatch mode tooltips not showing.
Fixed the global setting Override price to work properly.
Fixed an issue where variable products didn’t get the correct pricing.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
14.04.2017 version 4.5.2
Fixed compatibility with woothemes Subscriptions 2.2x
Fixed double options display issue on Orders.
Fixed a max length issue on text fields.
Fixed an error when duplicating a product.
Fixed a display error when currency plugins are used.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Fixed an issue in conditional logic with variations.
Fixed various pricing display issues.
Added color swatch setting in checkboxes and radio buttons.
10.04.2017 version 4.5.1
Fixed an issue with Bookings and WooCommerce Multilingual currency.
Fixed an issue with the select box when replacing the product image.
Fixed an issue with Avada custom product image gallery.
Fixed an issue where saved options weren’t being displayed in orders.
Fixed an issue where fees that were assigned without taxes were being displayed with taxes on some elements.
Fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to assign multiple products to a global form.
Fixed wrong prices displayed on Order for WPML currency.
05.04.2017 version 4.5
Changed supported WooCommerce versions to 2.4+
Renamed local mode to normal mode.
Added setting to datepicker to control default value.
Added setting for adding custom CSS and JS.
Added partial compatibility with Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce.
Uploaded files are now being sent as attachment to the order emails.
Fixed an issue with styled variation color and image swatches.
Fixed an issue with the selected borders for radio buttons and checkboxes.
Fixed an issue where selecting radio buttons and checkboxes was not possible.
Fixed an issue where adding a large amount of options to the cart was causing problems.
Fixed double options display for Woothemes Subscriptions on renewals.
Fixed a display issue with WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator plugin.
Fixed compatibility with Aelia Currency Switcher and WooCommerce Currency Switcher.
Fixed an issue with the form validation on certain themes.
Fixed an issue with the styled variations in translated WPML products.
Fixed an issue with pricing on WPML translated products.
Fixed an incompatibility with WooCommerce Bookings when using the WPML currency.
Fixed an issue with the validation for certain field values.
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Composite Products 3.8x
Fixed several price display issues.
02.02.2017 version
Fixed a display issue with styled radio buttons and checkboxes.
Fixed an issue with several icons not being displayed.
27.01.2017 version 4.4.1
Fixed an issue with the styled variations.
Fixed an incompatibility with WPML.
Fixed an issue with Order prices.
Option quantity selector now needs to be greater than zero to add the option to the cart.
Added setting to globally set min/max chars for text-fields and text-areas.
12.12.2016 version 4.4
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce backwards compatibility.
Fixed an issue on local attributes and WPML
Fixed an issue where certain characters on translations were preventing json encoded data from functioning with the options.
Fixed an issue with Yith Quick View plugin.
Fixed an issue with Fancy Product Designer.
Fixed an issue with some language locales.
Options with price type Fee now correctly add their prices if they are added by a different cart line product.
Options with price type Fee do not take discounts any more as intended.
Added setting to prevent zero priced products from being added to the cart.
Added a message when uploads are made.
Added setting to control the price change on original product price.
Added button to the color-picker to prevent situations where the selected color wasn’t being submitted correctly.
Added support for Porto theme gallery.
Added Compatibility with Avada 5x
Added Compatibility with Flatsome 3x
Added ability to replace the Select file text used in the styled upload button.
Added ability to enabled or disable a global form by a user role.
Added ability to control globally the file types that can be uploaded by the upload element.
CSV import/export now supports styled variations.
26.06.2016 version 4.3.4
Fixed an issue with the min and max dates on the date-picker.
Fixed an issue with WPML and local options.
Fixed some issues with the WooCommerce Currency Switcher.
Fixed an issue with Fee taxes.
Added option to Include option pricing in product price.
Added selection when import a CSV file to overwrite existing elements or append new elements.
Translated products with WPML that use local options must also translate the attributes being used.
16.06.2016 version 4.3.3
Fixed an issue with the Date-picker min and max Dates.
Fixed an issue with the stock not changing.
Fixed an issue with sales prices and currency converters.
Fixed an issue when duplicating or exporting forms that could result in logic not working.
Fixed a WPML issue where translating plugin strings wasn’t possible.
Fixed an issue with the max characters display for text-areas.
Fixed an issue with the Override enabled and disabled roles.
Fixed an issue with the quantity selector on radio buttons.
Fixed an issue with the date picker for RTL languages.
Upload image now have a screenshot on the cart and in the back-end Order.
Added ability to control Global forms depending on user role.
Added compatibility with Easy Bookings.
Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.6x
11.05.2016 version 4.3.2
Fixed an issue where trailing commas in some settings of the date element produced PHP warnings.
Fixed an issue where the check-boxes with images couldn’t be selected.
Fixed an issue where variable with default a variation set weren’t displaying the correct price.
Added time picker element.
07.05.2016 version 4.3.1
Fixed an issue with conditional logic interfering with the changes product image feature.
Fixed an issue when using enabled and disabled dates in date-picker.
Fixed an issue with the out of stock message.
Fixed an issue with the color picker that was disabled if it was hidden by conditional logic on page load.
Fixed an issue with the conditional logic for certain rules.
Fixed an issue with the floating totals when using alternative position.
Fixed floating totals options order.
Fixed an issue with the lazy load images.
Fixed an issue where upon entering values in text fields the price was returned as zero.
Fixed min/max value validation when entering zero.
Added support for WooCommerce Products Layouts quick-view.
Added option to override product price.
Fees added with the plugin now show the quantity selector value as well.
26.04.2016 version 4.3
Added sortable ability to the tabs on the wizard slider on the back-end.
The range picker can now be used to the conditional logic.
Added quickview support for Porto and Minishop themes.
Added option to prevent options from being sent to customers.
Added price per row for text-areas.
Added responsive widths for the Items per row setting.
Added settings to allow the visibility of the options on the cart and the order.
Added short-codes to echo the options and totals box.
Added additional price types to exclude n-th chars for the per-char types.
Added setting to choose a different image for the lightbox.
Added setting to have the image replacement inside the label.
Added support for the easyzoom plugin on various themes.
Added two new fee types.
Added setting to allow the plugin to be disabled for specific user roles.
Added setting to allow the enable and disable for rules to be overridden on product level.
Added compatibility with WooCommerce Bookings 1.9x
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Composite Products 3.5x
Fixed an issue with the currency plugins when base product price is zero.
Fixed an issue with the currency plugins when using the price type Percent of the original price.
Fixed an issue with the currency plugins when using the price type “Percent of the original price + options”.
Fixed an issue with fees and currency plugins.
Fixed an issue with the Name your price plugin.
Fixed an issue with the validation.
Fixed image URL when using SSL.
Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.5x
Fees added with the plugin now show the option value as well.
12.12.2015 version 4.2.3
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce Currency Converter.
Fixed an issue that prevented options to appear when select boxes had no tooltip.
Fixed an issue where the totals were displaying the wrong price when using styled variations combined with conditional logic.
Fixed an issue with the out of stock message being always active.
Fixed an issue where elements could be added to the cart when their quantity selector was zero.
Fixed an issue where conditional logic for section was being reset when moving elements.
Fixed an issue with the Measurement Price Calculator on variable products.
Fixed an issue with the “Percent of the original price + options” price type when used in conjuction with a quantity selector.
Fixed an issue with the Flatsome quickview.
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce Quickview.
Fixed an issue with the Name your price plugin.
Fixed a display issue on the backend admin Order interface.
Fixed an issue where the global forms weren’t editable after updating to WordPress 4.4.
Fixed an issue with WPML 3.3.3.
Added setting to choose the number of points in the range picker.
Added filters to control the before and after HTML of the floating totals box.
Added setting to control the display of the From string on product price display.
Added option to disable the totals box.
Changed the light-box feature to use the “changes product image” as a priority.
19.10.2015 version 4.2.2
Fixed the light-box for check-boxes.
Fixed a CSS bug on hidden prices.
Fixed an issue with the slider wizard when it has check-boxes.
Fixed an issue with where the options on archive and shop pages weren’t being displayed.
Fixed an issue the the styled variations when the variation threshold was being reached.
Fixed an issue with the cart edit link not working.
Fixed a bug in text-area with the minimum length and updated its validation.
Added Price per char (no spaces) to text-fields.
10.10.2015 version 4.2.1
Fixed an issue with the wizard and conditional logic inside the wizard tabs.
Fixed an error occurring for PHP versions less than 5.2.9
Fixed the light-box feature to work with lazy-load images.
Fixed an issue with the date where it was always required.
Fixed some validation messages for the elements.
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce Currency Switcher.
Added partial support for themes that use Ajax on add to cart button.
05.10.2015 version 4.2
WooCommerce 2.4 fixes
When hiding the totals box options the displayed price on the product changes if the theme supports it.
Made the plug-in extend-able. You can now create plug-in extensions to add new elements to the builder.
Fixed several advanced cart display issues.
Fixed compatibility with Composite Products 3.2
Fixed quantity selectors and removed the extra buttons.
Fixed the rich text editor in element settings.
Fixed compatibility with Currency Switcher (realmag777).
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Added extra settings for quantity selectors (min,max,step).
Added setting to customize the select options string.
Added support for Ninja Kick: Sliding Panel for WordPress.
Added front-end RTL support.
Added Price per interval price type to range pickers.
Added light-box for image replacements.
Added sale prices.
Added icon tool-tips for labels.
Added validation for dates.
Added setting to enable the option on shop and category view. This is a theme dependent setting.
13.08.2015 version 4.1.5
WooCommerce 2.4 bug fixes.
12.08.2015 version 4.1.4
Fixed a display issue on global forms list when using WPML.
Fixed a js error when options are outside the cart form.
Added compatibility with Fancy product designer pricing.
Added compatibility with WooCommerce 2.4
Altered the default value setting for the text-area element to accept line breaks.
Fixed the styled upload button to show the name of the file that will be uploaded.
07.08.2015 version 4.1.3
Added default values for text fields and text areas.
Added filters (wc_tm_epo_ac_product_price, wc_tm_epo_ac_product_qty, wc_tm_epo_ac_qty) to control the display of quantities on advanced cart display.
Fixed an issue with the floating totals when the extra options are displayed outside the form.
Fixed an issue with the floating totals where the value of the check-boxes weren’t added.
Fixed an issue where on variable products the Remove Free label wasn’t working.
Fixed an issue with the “Hide add-to-cart button until an option is chosen” setting.
Fixed an issue with the product_page short-code.
Changed color picker to show only hex values.
03.08.2015 version 4.1.2
Fixed an issue with WPML translation.
Fixed selects on Bazar theme.
Fixed the advanced cart for Flatsome theme.
Fixed select boxes for Bazar theme.
Fixed an issue with the step x price price type on range picker.
Fixed an issue on certain themes that the same image was shown on shop page.
Fixed an issue with the creation of slider wizards on the back-end.
Fixed an issue when editing prices and quantities on the back-end order.
Fixed an issue with the tax fee calculations.
Fixed an issue where the conditional logic was being reset upon cloning an element.
26.07.2015 version 4.1
Fixed an issue with Dynamic Pricing & Discounts plug-in when using variations.
Fixed a display error when using WPML on non product pages.
Fixed an issue with the subscriptions fee.
Fixed fontawesome conflicts with themes using older versions.
Fixed an issue with short-codes not loading options on some configurations.
Fixed an issue on Composite products when using the stepped method.
Fixed a conflict with themes already utilizing owlCarousel.
Added a setting to enable the display of image replacement in cart and checkout.
19.07.2015 version 4.1
Fixed an issue on negative prices with Pricing discounts enabled.
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce Multilingual where same products with different options where combined to one product.
Fixed an issue where the cart item price with woothemes Measurement Price Calculator wasn’t taking into account option prices.
Fixed an issue where the wrong link was displayed on translated WPML global forms list.
Fixed a display issue with the date picker.
Fixed an issue on Composites products when using products that are sold individually.
Fixed an issue on Composites products where the review/summary was displaying wrong prices.
Options with price type Fee now inherit the tax status and tax class of the product.
Added text before price setting.
Added support for WooCommerce Quickview.
Added upload manager.
Added slider style for sections.
Back-end speed improvements.
Made validations errors more noticeable to the user.
29.06.2015 version 4.0.5
Fixed a display issue with WPML.
Fixed an issue where the totals box was being displayed when it shouldn’t.
Fixed an issue with the styled variations in composite products.
Fixed an issue on updating items saved option values on the admin Order.
Fixed a conflict between Composite products and discounts when not using per product pricing.
Fixed an issue with Composite products and validation.
Fixed an issue with Woo Deposits that was showing wrong number on order page.
Fixed a display issue on styled variations when using UTF-8 attribute names.
Fixed an issue with translation of option on the admin Order.
Added setting to control the translation of option on the admin Order for WPML.
Added class name “tm-attribute-disabled” for disabled styled variation attributes.
Added Minimum number of selected choices for checkboxes.
Added setting to choose the decimal separator for user inputs.
16.06.2015 version 4.0.4
Fixed an issue with the variation styling when using special characters on attributes.
Fixed an issue with Pricing Discounts and Composite Products.
Fixed a quickview bug on certain themes.
Fixed an issue when the options are outside the form.
Fixed an issue on themes using jQuery 2 that was breaking the javascript.
Fixed an issue with the positioning of the required indicator.
Added skins for the datepicker.
Added global setting to include the tax string suffix on totals box.
13.06.2015 version 4.0.3
Fixed a conflict between the quickview and the floating totals.
Fixed a conflict between the quickview and the change product image feature.
Fixed a layout issue when creating options on radios, checkboxes and select boxes.
Fixed an issue with the hex color replacement feature.
Fixed an issue on the saved Order fields.
Fixed an issue where validation negative number were being converted to positives.
Fixed the Limit and Exact selection settings to include the optional quantity selectors.
11.06.2015 version 4.0.2
Added compatibility with Aelia Currency Switcher with multi-currency support.
Added multi-currency support for WooCommerce Currency Switcher.
Fixed several ui bugs.
Fixed conditional logic when using q-translate-x formatted text.
05.06.2015 version 4.0.1
Fixed an issue on stock visibility.
Fixed an issue with the date picker that prevent it from working.
Fixed edit Order to include the item value and added delete ability.
Fixed an issue with the styled variations.
Added strings for calendar “Today” and “Done” buttons.
Added internal naming system for builder elements.
02.06.2015 version 4.0
Added ability to edit the options on the order page.
Added support for Yith Quick view plugin.
Added support for Yith Zoom Magnifier plugin.
Added support for Venedor quick view.
Added setting to globally auto hide zero prices.
Added setting to allow only specific dates on datepicker.
Added tooltip setting for styled variations.
Added ability to select related image sizes for image replacements.
Added support for themes using the selectric plugin.
Added position setting for showing the value of the range picker.
Added global settings override for builder elements.
Added minimum and maximum values for text fields.
Added minimum characters for text fields.
Added validation features for builder elements.
Added ability to include additional global forms on the product.
Fixed conditional logic on main composite product.
Fixed some issues with woothemes WooCommerce Subscriptions.
24.04.2015 version 3.0.12
Fixed an issue with the template system.
Fixed filter errors on Order page.
Fixed an issue with the cart replacement image.
Fixed an issue where global forms broke when deleted products where used.
Change text domain to woocommerce-tm-extra-product-options for compatibility with plugins like loco translation.
Added support for WP Rocket cdn for images used on options.
Added setting to disable add to cart button until an option is checked.
Added two new char based price types.
Added setting to display a reset icon for radio fields.
Added prefix and suffix to display discounts on product page for Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
11.04.2015 version 3.0.11
Fixed showing the correct thumbnail on cart when image replacement is used.
Fixed Orders display when no fields are being used.
03.04.2015 version 3.0.10
Fixed the clear cart feature.
Fixed rounding of price options.
Fixed Free price replacement on related products.
Added setting to prevent negative priced products from being added to the cart (requires WooCommerce 2.3+)
Advanced cart setting doesn’t override email templates any more.
20.03.2015 version 3.0.9
Fixed a bug with Advanced Custom Fields Pro
Fixed compatibility with Composite Products.
Fixed the edit options feature for checkboxes and radio buttons.
Fixed a case where options cannot be saved.
Added default value setting for range picker.
13.03.2015 version 3.0.8
Added setting to show quantity selector only for elements with a value.
Added advanced cart display setting.
Added ability to edit options after product has been added to cart.
Changed the display of options on admin Order view.
Fixed WPML compatibility.
Fixed an error on add to cart validation.
Fixed woothemes Subscriptions to include saved options when changing subscriptions.
Fixed a bug on limit box selection.
Fixed a bug where the upload field didn’t save the price to the cart.
Fixed a bug with the date picker if only Sundays where disabled.
Fixed a bug with the date picker showing the calendar at the bottom of the page.
Fixed a bug with Currency Converter when using certain price types.
Fixed a bug on import/export function with utf-8 headings.
13.02.2015 version 3.0.7
Fixed an issue with prices not calculating correctly.
Fixed a bug where a required radio button wasn’t working.
Fixed some CSS issues for mobile devices.
12.02.2015 version 3.0.6
Fixed an issue with prices not calculating correctly.
Added quantity selector for options.
Added selected options to floating box.
11.02.2015 version 3.0.5
Fixed a conflict with product images for users updating for 2.x
Fixed some variations display issues.
Fixed a bug with price per char.
Added reset button for variation attributes.
Changed the display of inactive variation attributes.
10.02.2015 version 3.0.4
Added support for WooCommerce 2.3
Fixed default values on select boxes.
Fixed an issue with Ninja forms.
Fixed an issue with the price on the cart not showing up.
Fixed an issue with the styled radios and checkboxes.
Fixed an issue with the Min/Max quantities plugin.
Fixed an issue with quick view.
Performance increase on front-end.
Changed some displayed aspects so that they are always responsive.
01.02.2015 version 3.0.3
Added a label setting for the variations section.
Rename the Clear variation to Reset options and added setting to choose alternative text.
Added setting for choosing the selected border type on swatches.
Added setting for choosing the display of terms on variations.
Fixed an issue with the Clef plugin.
29.01.2015 version 3.0.2
Fixed an issue with image variations not being displayed.
Fixed an issue with product image not being changed.
Fixed some CSS conflicts.
Fixed an issue where the Free price label was displaying incorrectly.
Fixed an issue where quick view was displaying incorrectly.
Fixed the custom widths and height on image variations.
Restored tooltip on range picker.
28.01.2015 version 3.0.1
Fixed an issue with tooltips on swatches.
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts compatibility.
Fixed some CSS issues on variations.
26.01.2015 version 3.0
Fixed compatibility with Woothemes Composite Products.
Fixed an issue where a product was displaying wrong price on admin products list.
Fixed an issue with conditional logic on select boxes.
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce Subscriptions.
Fixed a bug on the Change Product image feature.
Fixed the Hide uploaded file path setting to include emails and customer order history.
Fixed double clicking on radio images.
Fixed a bug on price type “Percent of the original price + options” when used on radio buttons.
Fixed an issue where the text editor wasn’t updating text when switching modes.
Fixed an issue for the “Cannot redeclare wc_get_product()” related error on previous WooCommerce versions.
Fixed an error where no initial values where entered for the range pickers.
Fixed an issue for Composites products where products having CSS classes applied on them were controlling the appearance of following products.
Added customization feature for variations and they can now used for conditional logic.
Added support for WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Added support for Flatsome quick view.
Added support for disabled dates and weekdays on date picker.
Added color picker field.
Added a tooltip option for subtitles.
Added setting to not show the totals box if options price is zero.
Added filter ‘tm_epo_cart_options_prices’ applied to options before they are added to product price.
Added unofficial compatibility with WPML.
Added setting to allow changing the product image with a custom image for radios, checkboxes and select boxes.
Redesigned the “change product image” feature to allow the change to happen without the need for the field to have image display.
Changed plugin internal name to “WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options”.
20.12.2014 version 2.5.11
Restored compatibility with Woothemes Composite Products.
Added compatibility with Woothemes Measurement Price Calculator.
Added current value price type for text field (donation like).
Added setting to enable a floating box of the totals.
Fixed an issue with the range picker’s step*price setting.
15.12.2014 version 2.5.10
Fixed a bug in shortcodes..
Fixed issue for activation on some server configurations.
13.12.2014 version 2.5.7
Added WordPress 4.1 support.
Added live change on price for textareas and text fields.
Added hex color support for replacement images.
Added option for checkboxes to allow an exact number checked only.
Added support for WooCommerce shortcodes.
Added Taxes support.
Added ability to use url parameters to fill field values.
Changed the uploaded file path to be a link on cart page.
Extended range picker with two more value options.
Fixed issue with ninja forms.
Fixed an issue with extra slashes.
Fixed an issue with the section popup on certain themes.
Fixed an issue where styled elements could not be clicked.
Fixed an issue where required Fees could not be added to the cart.